The Place: Enfield, Nova Scotia
The Treasure: Mike Boyd
Welcome to Nova Scotia Treasure’s very first interview!
We initially thought we’d do 902 questions but lost track somewhere near 782. Also started to run out of questions, noticing that “sup?” appeared four times and “Do you like stuff?” really wasn’t specific enough.
Instead we’ve narrowed it down to 9.
Let me introduce you to Mr. Mike: Mike Boyd, from Enfield, released a few albums but for the past while has been doing studio work for Half-Life Records.
Mike released his first album since 2008 and we’re glad he did. “Note The Sarcasm” was released in March (2014) and videos have been made for “Mr. Mike”, Fly Like a Butterfly/Small World and most recently the self directed “I Get Around”.
Check em out after you read the 9 questions interview and then head over to iTunes (link no longer available) or Google Play and pick up his latest.
And since that’s not enough Mike’s been remixing number 1 iTunes songs on a weekly basis and posting them on his Mixcloud channel (Note: Mixcloud channel no longer available)
9 Questions with: Mike Boyd
1) NST: Best part of being a performer in Nova Scotia?
MB: Short travel distance haha, But really it’s the best place for that kitchen party atmosphere
2) NST: Hardest part of being a performer in Nova Scotia?
MB: A bit more pressure to put on a great show for the home town fans
3) NST: Any place you haven’t been to in NS yet that you’d like to go to both as a performer and not (doesn’t have to be the same place for each 🙂 )
MB: I think I’ve performed in all the best places to play a show in Scotia but if I wanted to go to a place I’ve never been, I would say Oak Island.. So I can break the curse.
4) NST: Performer from NS that you haven’t worked with yet but would like to?
MB: Anne Murray hehe Pretty sure we could make a left field hit!
5) NST: Favourite food and best place to get it in NS?
MB: Wing Fu – Chinese food place in Elmsdale.. or Bitars in Elmsdale.. best donair sub in the world!!!
6) NST: Musical influence from the province that may surprise people?
MB: Not sure if it’s that surprising but David Myles.. The guy makes music fun and is great to work with. Makes me wanna be more positive about life and music.
7) NST: What it would mean to you to have a radio in NS play your music? As a whole the stations we have don’t play a lot of local stuff.
MB: It’s always kinda surreal to hear yourself on the radio which I have with a number of Classified songs I’ve worked on but I think it will be a whole other level when I get to hear my own song on there.. Which will be happening in the next couple weeks!!! Excited!
8) NST: This article should be up before your concert Monday (with some other guy but that’s Classified information), using your mastered powers of time projection, how did it go?
MB: lol are you talking about predicting the future? If so, The show was AMAZING!!! Tons of friends, family and other home town people came out because it’s only a stones throw away from Enfield.
9) NST: Last one and this is from Treasure Bear.. sorry in advance. In “Mr. Mike” there’s a line that goes “cheques from Inner Ninja gettin’ dropped in my bank.” T-Bear wants to know if anyone picks those up and deposits them because they may be worth money.
MB: haha! good one! never thought of it like that..
Follow Mike on: Facebook , Twitter and Youtube