The Place: Iona, Nova Scotia
The Treasure: Highland Village Museum
On July 1st, Canada’s birthday, we decided to head out to Highland Village Museum and take in some Gaelic history.
Highland Village is arranged by time periods, starting with An Taigh Dubh (The Black House) which was a typical structure in Gaelic Scotland. It’s a basic stone house with a wood roof.
Highland Village is a ‘living museum’ where actors and actresses are in character (but will break character to help you out). They will tell you about life in their particular period. This lady is a resident of Gaelic Scotland and lives in The Black House.
From there you move along to An Taigh-logaichean (The Log House):
There are eleven historical structures to visit, we won’t show them all – you have to go see for yourself! 🙂 But here’s a couple more:
The church, An Eaglais, is visible from pretty much anywhere in the open village.
An Taigh-sgoil, the school house. If you arrive at the right time of day you may get in on a céilidh 🙂
A’ Cheàrdach, the forge. General repairs and hardware store.
And the last one we’ll show.. the height of luxury… Taigh Tùs na Ficheadamh Lìn, a turn of the century house:
When you go to Highland Village Museum be sure to talk to the actors and actresses or at least listen to the answers given to other people’s questions. While the buildings show how they lived, the people telling the history make it come alive.
Here is the current weather and a map to help you plan your trip:
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