The Place: Parrsboro
The Treasure: Fundy Geological Museum
Dinosaurs! Rocks! Education! It’s the Fundy Geological Museum!
The Parrsboro area is rich in fossils, minerals and gems.
According to the brochure available at the museum the fossil finds in 1984 at the nearby Wasson Bluff lead to the community creation of the museum.
Inside the museum you will find RAWR dinosaurs!
As well as fossil examples of some of the dinosaurs and plants:
You will also find some of the mineral and gem formations on display, including a tower laid our by time period:
The Fundy Geological Museum is a fun and educational place to stop on your trip to the area.
Visit their web page here for information on tours and programs they offer in conjunction with local businesses.
Here is a current forecast and a map to help you plan your trip:
[forecast location=”Parrsboro, Nova Scotia” caption=”Weather for Parrsboro” measurement=’C’ todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’ numdays=”7″ iconset=”Smiley” class=”css_table_class” cache=”true” width=”100%”]