The Place: Port Greville
The Treasure: Age of Sail Heritage Centre
Sailing has always been a part of human need for exploration. It’s helped shape our history and played an important role in Nova Scotia’s identity.
After taking in the Gem Show in Parrsboro we decided to wander a little further up the road to the Age of Sail Heritage Centre.

The Age of Sail museum has a wonderful array of models:
and clothes from various time periods:
As well as tools of the trade (and other related things):
The Age of Sail Heritage Centre has one of the best laid out museums and grounds we’ve been to. It’s well contained and offers great views.
There’s also a cafe but the food was gone before we could get a picture – Treasure Bear pleads innocence…
But he says he wants a fog horn for the Treasure Mobile…

If you’re looking for something to do the Age of Sail Heritage Centre is a great visit, rest and have something to eat.
Here is a weather forecast and map to help you plan your visit:
[wpc-weather id=”4211″ /]